Saturday, November 6, 2021

Dua Aman

Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful


It was narrated that Abu Mas’ood al-Ansaari said: “The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) said: ‘Whoever recites this Dua, Allah protect and safe him  from shytaan. He will be under the protection and security of Allah. Dua Aman is a excellent cure of bad dreams Whoever reads this Dua after every Fraz prayer, his past sins will be forgiven.
Transliteration: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allahum'aa ya saani'aa kul'li masnuin-waa ya Jabira
Translation: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah, O creater of every created thing, and O Reformer 
Transliteration: kul'li kaseerin-waa ya Hazira kul'li khaaifin-wa ya Munisa kul'li faqeerin-waa ya Khaliqa kul'li makhlooqin-waa ya Fatiha kul'li maftuhin-waa ya Hafiza kul'li Mahfoozin-wa ya Ghaliba kul'li Maghloobin-waa ya Maalika kul'li Mamlukin-waa ya Shahida kul'li Mashodi Nij'al min amri farjaan-waa makhraja Nik'zif fi qalbi an laa arjuwa ahadan siwaqa yaa Arham ar Rahimeen. Allahm'aa ya daa'ima-l-abadi-l- muhsi bila adadi -l -muqaviya -n-nufusi
Translation: of every broken thing , and O Nearer to every scared one . O Compassionate of every beggar and O Creator of every Created thing and O Opener of every Opened thing and O Protector of every Protected thing and O Domineer of every Dominated thing and O Owner of every Owned thing and O Witness of every Witnessed thing . Make patency in my matter and  redempt my heart so that I don't have hope of anything except from You. O the Most Merciful of the Merciful ones , O Allah O ever-living O Counter of every uncountable thing O strength giver to every Soul .
Transliteration: bila madadi-l-maula bila waladi-l-Aziz'es saiyidi-l-wahidi'l Ahadi-s-Samadi lazi la yalid wa lam ulad wa lam yakun lahu kufuwann Ahad.Allahum'aa-h-fizna min jamee al balaai wal qadhaai ma'a Ahlaqa min shari-l-aadaai wa yaheeju-l-hunaraai min shar'e ma khalaqa bain al Ardhi was'samaai bi haqqi  khatimaa Sulaimana-nabna Dawuda aalaihima-salamu wa bihaqqi ya tamkheesa ya shamkheesa ya moshatisa ya kaheeja ya kahkaheeja ya Rabbahu 
Translation: Lord without need of any help without any children,only Domineer Support , Monoreal, Eternal , He has not taken or given birth and there is none compareable to Him. O Allah save us from all worries ,problems and fate that destroys and mischeif of enemies that raise presecution of blood and from evil of everything which is created between earth and heaven, on the expedient of stamp of Sulaiman a.s son of Dawoud a.s and peace be upon both and on the expedient of names O Tamkheesa , O Shamkheesa, O Moshtesa, O Kaheej , O Kahkahjeej,
Transliteration: ya saiyidahu ya Maulahu ya Ghayati raghbata yaa Allahu Ya Allahu Ya Allahu ya Ghiyasa-l-Mustagheesina yaa Amaana-l-Khaaifeena ya Mujeebu-d-Dawati ya Qaziya-l- Hajati istajib Duaai bi haqqi Adama sa'fi'yillahi wa bi haqqi Nuhiin Nabi'yillahi wa bihaqqi Ibraheema khalee'lillahe wa bihaqi Musa kaleem'illahe wa bihaqqi Isa rooh'illahe wa bihaqqi Muhammadi-r-Rasullillahe wa bihaqqi innahu min Sulaimana wa Innahu Bismillah'i'Rahmani-
Translation: O Rabb , O Master O Lord O limit of intendies , O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,  O listener and consoler of helpless , O peace giver  to scared ones, O acceptor of supplications,  O Fulfiller of needs accept my invocation  on expedient of Adam a.s servant friend of Allah , on expedient of Nooh a.s Prophet of Allah, on expedient of Ibraheem a.s friend of Allah and on expedient of Moosa a.s who spoke to Allah and on expedient of Isa a.s the soul of Allah and on expedient of Muhammad s.a.w Messenger of Allah and on expedient of this ayah which is from Sulaiman a.s that is In the name of Allah the Compassionate
Transliteration: Raheemi. alla  ta'aalu aalaiya waa'tuni muslimina wa bi haqqi Jibraa'iila wa mikaa'iila wa israfi'la  wa izraa'iila  wa bihaqqi hamalati-l-Arshi wal'kursiyi wal kur'ru bai'yiyna war'ruhani'yiyna wal' malaikati wal'Muqarabeena wa bihaqi'safarati-l- bararati wal'kirami -l- katibeena wabihaqi Taurati Musa wa injeeli Isa wa Zaburi Dawuda Furqani Muhammadi-r-Rasullillahe sallallahu alaihe wa aalihi wa ashabihi wasalama birehmatika yaa Arhama-r-Rahimeen.
Translation:  the Merciful  and stop cussedness on Me and come towards Me as Muslim and  on expedient of Jibraeil and mikaeil and Israfiel and Izraiel and on expedient of Throne holder angels and most adducent angels and spirtual angels and angels of adducent ones and on the expedient of writers of pious ones and kiram an katibeen and on expedient of Taurat of Moosa and Injeel of Isaa and Zaboor of Dawoud and Furqan (the distinguisher) of Muhammad s.a.w , with Your mercy peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad and his children and his companions , O The Most Merciful Ones.


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