Saturday, November 6, 2021


 Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Benefits of Dua Jamilah

It is stated that one day while the Beloved Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) was sitting in the mosque of Al Madinah, Hazrat Jibrael came and said that 'The Almighty Allah quoth Salaam and saith that the Dua-E-Jameelah is being sent for thine Followers', the Beloved Prophet Muhammed asked 'How much is the credit for it?' Hazrat Jibrael said 'Whosoever recites it or keep it with him, his sins, may it be like the foams of river or like the sand of the desert or equal to leaves of trees, shall be forgiven and at the time of death the pains shall be eliminated by the Palm of the Almighty. And an Angel would protect him in the grave till the Dooms day.

One who recites it at the time of breaking the fast on the 15th Ramadan and he does not know how to recite but keeps it in his hand and recites (with ablution) Darood Sharif 11 times, gets boundless Credits and the Almighty Allah will fulfill whatever his need be. If recited once in a life time, On Dooms Day, one will cross Pur Sirat without diffuculty and enter Paradise. Then Hazrat Jibrael Said ' Oh Muhammed saw warn your followers against the Fire of Hell. If I state the full greatness of this prayer, masses shall give up all prayers and observance of fast, It is sufficient to say that whosoever recites this prayer or keeps it with him will be safe from every magic, get enemies befriended.

a) Whoever recites Dua' Jamilah after Salaatul Fajr, gets the sawaab as though he performed Hajj one hundred (100) times of the same blessings of Hazrat Adam Safiy Allah Alaihi Salaam.

b) Whoever recites it after Salaatul Zhur it is as if he has performed three hundred (300) Hajj with the same barakah as Hazrat Ibraheem Khaleel Allah Alaihi Salaam.

c) The one who recites it after Salaatul Asr received the reward of having performed one hundred (100) Hajj with the same barakah as Hazrat Isa Ruhullah Alaihi Salaam.

d) The one who recites it after Salaatul Maghrib receives a reward as though he performed Hajj seven hundred (700) times with the same barakah [blessings] of Hazrat Yunus Alaihi Salaam. Who ever recites it after Salaat ul 'Ishaa receives a reward equivalent to one thousand (1000) Hajj as that performed by Hazrat Musa Kaleemullah Alaihi Salaam.

e) The one who recites it after Tahajjud it is as though he has performed one hundred thousand (100.000) Hajj receiving the barakah of the Hajj as performed By Sayyidina Rasuli Akram Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.

Whosoever recites it or keeps it with him, his face on Dooms day will be bright like the moon; and the atonement of missing the prayers will be forgiven; and while in Journey will not feel lazy in saying the prayers; and when he shall rise from his grave on Dooms day people will say 'which messenger of God is he?, then the Almighty Allah will reply 'He is not a messenger but one who recited Dua-E-Jameelah with earnestness, that is why this gift and survey is for him. And Allah, the Most Merciful shall grant him the entry into Heaven on the Day of Judgement.

 Transliteration: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Ya Jameelo Ya Allaho Ya Qareebo Ya Allaho Ya Ajeebo Ya Allaho Ya Mujeebo Ya Allaho Ya Raoofo Ya Allaho Ya Maroofo Ya Allaho Ya Mannano Ya Allaho Ya Dayyano Ya Allaho Ya Burhano Ya Allaho Ya Sultano Ya Allaho Ya Musta-aano Ya Allaho Ya Muhsino Ya Allaho Ya Muta-aali Ya Allaho Ya Rahmano Ya Allaho Ya Raheemo
Translation: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. Oh virtues! Oh Allah, Oh Near! Oh Allah, Oh Wonderful! Oh Allah, Oh Acceptor! Oh Allah, Oh Benevolent! Oh Allah, Oh Virtuous! Oh Allah, Oh Obliging! Oh Allah, Oh Dyyan! Oh Allah, Oh Reason! Oh Allah, Oh Mighty! Oh Allah, Oh Helper! Oh Allah, Oh Obligor! Oh Allah, Oh The Greatness! Oh Allah, Oh Benevolent! Oh Allah, Oh Merciful!
Transliteration:  Ya Allaho Ya Haleemo Ya Allaho Ya Aleemo Ya Allaho Ya Kareemo Ya Allaho Ya Jaleelo Ya Allaho Ya Majeedo Ya Allaho Ya Hakeemo Ya Allaho Ya Muqtadiro Ya Allaho Ya Ghafooro Ya Allaho Ya Ghaffaro Ya Allaho Ya Mubdiyo Ya Allaho Ya Rafeyo Ya Allaho Ya Shakooro Ya Allaho Ya Khabeero Ya Allaho Ya Baseero Ya Allaho Ya Sameeo Ya Allaho Ya Awwalo Ya Allaho Ya Aakhero Ya Allaho Ya Zahiro Ya Allaho Ya Batino Ya Allaho Ya Quddooso 
Translation: Oh Allah, Oh Clement! Oh Allah, Oh Knower! Oh Allah, Oh Bountiful! Oh Allah, Oh Great! Oh Allah, Oh Majeed! Oh Allah, Oh Wise! Oh Allah, Oh Powerful! Oh Allah, Oh Forgiver! Oh Allah, Oh Forgiver of sins! Oh Allah, Oh Creator! Oh Allah, Oh Exalting! Oh Allah, Oh Appreciator of thankful! Oh Allah, Oh Knower! Oh Allah, Oh Seer! Oh Allah, Oh Hearer! Oh Allah, Oh The First! Oh Allah, Oh Appearance! Oh Allah, Oh Essence! Oh Allah, Oh Pious! Oh Allah, Oh Protector!
Transliteration: Ya Allaho Ya Salamo Ya Allaho Ya Muhaimeno Ya Allaho Azeezo Ya Allaho Ya Mutakabbiro Ya Allaho Ya Khaliqo Ya Allaho Ya Waleeyo Ya Allaho Ya Musawwiro Ya Allaho Ya Jabbaro Ya Allaho Ya Hayyo Ya Allaho Ya Qayyumo Ya Allaho Ya Qabizo Ya Allaho Ya Basito Ya Allaho Ya Muzillao Ya Allaho Ya Qaweeyo Ya Allaho Ya Shaheedo Ya Allaho Ya Moti Ya Allaho Ya Maneo Ya Allaho Ya Khafizo Ya Allaho Ya Rafio Ya allaho Ya Wakeelo 
Translation: Oh Allah, Oh Watcher! Oh Allah, Oh Dear! Oh Allah, Oh Great! Oh Allah, Oh Great! Oh Allah, Oh Creating! Oh Allah, Oh Possessor! Oh Allah, Oh Artist! Oh Allah, Oh Tremendous! Oh Allah, Oh Living! Oh Allah, Oh Immortal! Oh Allah, Oh Unlimited! Oh Allah, Oh Expander! Oh Allah, Oh Abasing! Oh Allah, Oh Energizing! Oh Allah, Oh Existing! Oh Allah, Oh Giver! Oh Allah, Oh Eliminator! Oh Allah, Oh Abasing! Oh Allah, Oh Sublime! Oh Allah, Oh Guardian!
Transliteration: Ya Allaho Ya Kafeelo Ya Allaho Ya Zaljalale Wal Ikrame Ya Allaho Ya Rashedoo Ya Allaho Ya Sabooro Ya Allaho Ya Fattaho Ya Allaho La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kunto Minaz Zalemin, Wa Sallallaho Ta-aala Ala Khare Khalqehi Muhammadenw-wa Aalehi wa Asha-behi ajmaeen Berahmateka Ya Arhamar Rahemeen.
Translation: Oh Allah, Oh Helper! Oh Allah, Oh Great and Merciful! Oh Allah, Oh Shower of the way! Oh Allah, Oh Sober! Oh Allah, Oh Opener! Oh Allah! There is no God except You (Allah) and You are all perfect and truly I am of those who commit sins. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon our Master Muhammad (SAW) & upon his friends, and whole Family.


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